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Empowering Communication: Strategies to Enhance Functional Language in Clients With Language Disorder
Course Overview and Objectives
Importance of Functional Communication in Language Disorders
Assessing Functional Communication Needs
Understanding Communication Profiles in Individuals with Language Disorders
Assessing Functional Communication Goals
Considerations for Different Age Groups
Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC) Tools
Introduction to AAC Systems
Selection and Implementation of AAC Tools
Strategies for Teaching AAC Use
AAC and Language Development
Person-Centered Approaches in Communication
Person-Centered Communication Strategies
Building Rapport and Trust with Clients
Incorporating Client Preferences in Communication Interventions
Developing Individualized Intervention Plans
Creating Functional Communication Goals
Customizing Intervention Plans for Different Settings
Monitoring Progress and Adjusting Plans Accordingly
Case Studies and Practical Applications
Analyzing Case Studies in Functional Communication
Interactive Activities for Applying Strategies
Role-Playing Scenarios for Real-World Practice
Resources for Empowering Communication
Accessing AAC Resources and Tools
Recommended Reading and Research in Functional Communication
Creating Supportive Environments for Effective Communication
Reflecting on Learning and Action Steps
Continuing Education and Professional Development Opportunities
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Building Rapport and Trust with Clients
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